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Our research aims to understand how different cellular and biological phenotypes arise from an underlying network of biological components. The projects in this area explore how the fundamental aspects of protein-protein interactions and metabolic networks can be used to model prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular processes. We also apply these and other systems biology techniques to address military medical questions related to infectious diseases, blood coagulation, and wound healing.

Research Projects

Blood Coagulation Blood Coagulation

We quantitatively study trauma-induced blood coagulopathy and investigate the effects of therapeutic strategies to treat uncontrollable hemorrhaging.

Brain Injury Biomarkers Brain Injury Biomarkers

We use systems biology concepts to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and identify protein biomarkers indicative of injury.

Inflammation Inflammation

Our goal is to identify key biochemical components and interactions that determine the physiological consequences of inflammation.

Metabolic Networks Metabolic Networks

By exploiting the cellular metabolism of military-relevant pathogens, we predict gene essentiality, effects of drug cocktails, and metabolic changes associated with stress.

Protein-Protein Interactions Protein-Protein Interactions

We investigate the fundamental properties of protein-protein interaction networks to illuminate the biological processes that mediate diseases.

Wound Healing Wound Healing

We aim to understand the mechanisms underlying the healing of trauma-induced wounds, and thereby prevent chronic inflammation and minimize scarring sequelae.